Monday, May 23, 2011

bad weekend.

i hit 130.5 and then fucked up to 139.
mostly water weight, ill update later on that.
my brain isnt working right.
i dont know whats wrong.
not smoking weed until i hit 125.
actually following through with that this time.
i feel jumbled up.
russian boy asked me out, i dont know if i like him.
still want to hook up with someone else.
i dont know why im telling you this, you wont care.
my brain hurts.
i have two finals left.
i hope this made a little sense.


  1. I'm sorry your weight got so high. You'll be able to drop it in no time!

  2. We care! It's totally water weight too. Use the Russian if you need, that's what boys are for ;)

  3. we all care. :) you can get back to where you want to be! we're all here for you.

  4. totally care & totally love the blog! ik what ur going through im a teen 2 ! (only ur beating me by about 4 lb lighter! whats ur menu tipically in a week?) xoxo!

  5. HUGS <3 <3
    your blog is one of my favorites!!

    I changed my blog by the way! So I hope you follow me :)
