Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello girls.

Alright, I haven't gotten off to the best of starts. But I'm still confident. I'm posting on my phone right now, so I promise ill read and comment soon.
I ate sensibly yesterday until I was coming off k yesterday at like midnight and ate a fuckton. But I'm pretty sure the entire day was under 1000. Which is good right now for me.
Then my friends and I ended up getting molly in the middle of the night. So I've been up and I probably won't be hungry because I left some for later when I'm coming down.
I'm hoping today will be under 300.
I made a new notebook. For rules, eating out calorie counts, and daily food logs.
I'm literally terrified to weigh myself. But I won't for a little bit because I know the number will depress me and cause me to say fuck it and hella binge.
Well, that's enough rambling for right now.


  1. i used to use molly a lot to keep myself from eating and garuntee that i'd burn lots of calories at a party, but be careful xx

  2. <3 Wishing you well darling. x

  3. missed you sofia <3 good job on the low intake today
